Welcome! My name is Marisa (or Risa, for short) and I’m a copywriter, author, and editor based out of Massachusetts.
It may sound like a lot to juggle, but I was born with a pen in my hand and an unwavering belief in the Oxford Comma (and no, you cannot change my mind about it).
You’ll enjoy working with me if, like me, you’re just simply passionate about your writing. I have experience writing and editing in several genres and niches - fashion marketing, scientific technical editing, fiction novels, poetry, etc. And the reason I’m able to do it all is this: every piece of work I put out is Sincerely Risa. When you’re passionate about what you do, everyone can see it.

I’m so glad you’re here…
And no matter the reason; whether you’re in need of snappy marketing copy, developmental editing, proofreading, or you’re just in the mood for a good book, you’ve come to the right place. Whatever the piece may be, I’m in the business of helping you make it sincerely yours.